Monday, December 5, 2011

The Organic Trend

Why do YOU choose organic? Are you an honest seeker of better health, keeping up with the Jones', following the crowd, or something else?

OR... do you even choose Organic at all? Do you find yourself interested, but a skeptic?

I find myself in the latter category. I do believe that the Organic label in general is a smart choice. All things being equal, I choose Organic. But I am a skeptic because I also believe it is exploited as a marketing tool to make money for big business.

I find myself starving for knowledge and truth about the healthiest way I can live and sustain my family. I find the study of health fascinating. I have a degree in Psychology and Health Education, but finding myself wanting more degrees in nutrition, chemistry, biology, neuroscience, medicine, agriculture...everything I can get my hands on to understand my body, its proper function and its proper relationship with the world around me.

I am drawn not to the elite and expensive Organic label, but to a simpler and organic lifestyle once commonplace among my farming, ranching, homesteading pioneer ancestors. And while there is much from the past that should be left in the lye, asbestos and lead paint, I believe our fathers have so much to teach us about living an organic life connected to our mother earth...One that is cleaner, simpler, healthier and without disease.